The Final Touch By Skye
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1 t.
fra 70 BBD
1 t.
fra 70 BBD
1 t. og 30 min.
25 BBD
1 t. og 30 min.
25 BBD
1 t.
85 BBD
1 t.
85 BBD
1 t.
fra 90 BBD
1 t.
fra 90 BBD
Hi babes!❤️ My name is Skye Holdip and I'm your hairstylist. From young, I have always had a passion for doing hair and I look forward to try new things and display my talent. Thank you so much for your support. I really look forward to servicing you. Don't forget to send your pictures or videos to be added to the client cam highlight! #FTBSbabes💕 Business Policy and Expectations will be sent via WhatsApp and can be found in the highlights on the business page. follow @finaltouchbyskye246 contact (246) 287-4523
9.00 AM - 6.00 PM
9.00 AM - 6.00 PM
9.00 AM - 6.00 PM
9.00 AM - 6.00 PM
9.00 AM - 6.00 PM
9.00 AM - 6.00 PM
10.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Bekræftelse med det samme
5FJX+7PC, 31, 2, Gall Hill, Saint John Find vej