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The House of Dolls Hammersmith Clinic


5 bedømmelser med 305 stemmer


Helene V

man. 18. dec. 2023 kl. 11.38 AM

5 bedømmelse

Treatment was fab. Management of appointments is appalling, last minute cancellations with no expla...


Courtney S

søn. 17. dec. 2023 kl. 12.52 PM

5 bedømmelse

Caddy is fantastic! Has great attention to detail and always delivers great customer service everyti...


Alison P

fre. 15. dec. 2023 kl. 2.02 PM

5 bedømmelse

Fantastic as ever.


Juline S

tors. 14. dec. 2023 kl. 11.27 AM

5 bedømmelse

Wonderful, as always!


lindy C

fre. 8. dec. 2023 kl. 11.32 AM

5 bedømmelse

The perfect place to go for pre Christmas pampering !💜💕 thank you



ons. 6. dec. 2023 kl. 8.37 PM

5 bedømmelse

Rashila was fantastic.


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The House of Dolls Hammersmith is a luxury beauty salon that provides excellent beauty and aesthetic services, high-quality stand-up sunbeds, and organic beauty products. Our founder Lina Nenkova is a senior beauty therapist, aesthetic practitioner, and permanent makeup and microblading Tutor with 10 years of international experience in one of the best beauty salons and training academies in Bulgaria and London.

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69 Blythe road, London, London, United Kingdom
69 Blythe road, London, London, United Kingdom

69 Blythe road, London, London, United Kingdom Find vej

  • The House of Dolls Hammersmith Clinic

  • 5 bedømmelser med 305 stemmer

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  • 69 Blythe road, London, London, United Kingdom Find vej

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