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Hi I’m Gabriela Gutierrez, owner of GetTIPSy beauty bar. Thank you for booking your appointments with me! I am so happy to see you in my chair as a client! Please make sure you are booking the right appointment, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out at 541•501•1599 . By booking the appointment, you are acknowledging ALL my policies and Covid policies. Please respect my no show policies and cancellations policies before booking.

Zusätzliche Informationen

  • Sofortige Bestätigung

  • Per App bezahlen

1441 Oak Street, Suite 4, Downtown, Eugene, Oregon
1441 Oak Street, Suite 4, Downtown, Eugene, Oregon

1441 Oak Street, Suite 4, Downtown, Eugene, Oregon Route

  • GetTIPsy

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  • 1441 Oak Street, Suite 4, Downtown, Eugene, Oregon Route