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Aloha Wellness


Valoración de 5 con 76 votos


Charlene H

sáb, 18 de may de 2024 a las 4:22 p.m.

5 valoración

I am beyond blessed from the experience


Katherine M

mié, 8 de may de 2024 a las 1:58 p.m.

5 valoración

I am always so so filled with calm and strength after my session with Tamara! I am looking forward t...


Katherine M

sáb, 6 de abr de 2024 a las 12:53 p.m.

5 valoración

I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was immediately graded with the warmest smile, the most open soul, e...

Avatar de Michele H

Michele H

sáb, 26 de ago de 2023 a las 8:25 p.m.

5 valoración

Dee was amazing. Thank you!


Dani R

mié, 23 de ago de 2023 a las 12:49 p.m.

5 valoración

Best massage I've ever had! The place is very relaxing, staff very welcoming, and Dee did a very goo...

Avatar de Maribeth A. F

Maribeth A. F

vie, 18 de ago de 2023 a las 1:37 p.m.

5 valoración

Excellent! Best physical- mental- spiritual massage ever! Tamara IS super-human! Thank you, as al...

Acerca de

Massage is the ultimate in preventative medicine! Just as you would take your car to a good mechanic for maintenance and repair, your body deserves the services of a great body worker such as we have here at Aloha Wellness.  Massage can aid in healing your lymphatic system, adhesions in your muscles, tension and stress, tight ligaments and tendons, as well as overall relaxation.  Massage is one of the oldest means of healing known to mankind.

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13830 Santa Fe Trail Drive, 103, Green Prairie, Lenexa, Kansas
13830 Santa Fe Trail Drive, 103, Green Prairie, Lenexa, Kansas

13830 Santa Fe Trail Drive, 103, Green Prairie, Lenexa, Kansas Cómo llegar

  • Aloha Wellness

  • Valoración de 5 con 76 votos

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Reservar ahora
  • 13830 Santa Fe Trail Drive, 103, Green Prairie, Lenexa, Kansas Cómo llegar