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Prestige Turkish Traditional Barber Salon


Valoración de 5 con 2 votos


Andrew M

lun, 11 de jul de 2022 a las 1:39 p.m.

5 valoración

I really liked the atmosphere in this place, good Skin Fade hot towel and massage everything was gre...

Avatar de Dursun K

Dursun K

lun, 11 de jul de 2022 a las 1:02 p.m.

5 valoración

Very cool place, Alex was very friendly and got me really nice hot towel head shave and of course ar...

Acerca de

Authenic Traditional The Prestige Grooming Salon provides a little taste of Europe to those who want a classic grooming experience. We are a short walk to all things in Angel The Prestige Lounge Unisex Beauty Salon provides a traditional atmosphere for the connoisseur for men grooming with class and style. We blend the traditional grooming regimen with a modern approach to skin care. Our professional skin therapists can help guide you towards the products that combat dry skin, irritated skin, sensitive skin, give a youthful glow and provide another level Barbering.

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Londra, 289 City Road, London, England
Londra, 289 City Road, London, England

Londra, 289 City Road, London, England Cómo llegar

  • Prestige Turkish Traditional Barber Salon

  • Valoración de 5 con 2 votos

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