Coach Bethan - Massage & Personal Training
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Coach Bethan - Massage & Personal Training ei ole enää julkaistuna Freshassa. Älä silti huoli, sillä meillä on muita vastaavanlaisia paikkoja lähettyvilläsi.
Looking for female only PT or Massage? Powher is Liverpool’s only gym specialising in women’s strength. By her, for her. Coach Bethan provides 1to1, Group PT and Massage Therapy and helps a variety of clients to learn to lift, rehab from injury and transform their body through individual programming and nutritional guidance. She is a qualified Massage Therapist offering; Sports Massage, Kinetic Therapy Massage (IASTM) and Deep Tissue Massage and also works from Unit 7 in Brunswick Business Park.
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PowHer Gym, 29 Parliament Street, Liverpool, England Hanki reittiohjeet
Coach Bethan - Massage & Personal Training
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7.00 ap. - 8.00 ip.
7.00 ap. - 8.00 ip.
7.00 ap. - 8.00 ip.
7.00 ap. - 8.00 ip.
7.00 ap. - 8.00 ip.
8.00 ap. - 12.00 ip.
PowHer Gym, 29 Parliament Street, Liverpool, England Hanki reittiohjeet