Custom facials are tailored to improve your specific needs and concerns or they can be as relaxing and luxurious as one of the top spas. As I once was also a massage therapist, my facials are pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. These services don’t have to stop at the face. Back facials are amazing! And now we, in the industry, are starting to do facials on other areas where concerns may arise, especially after waxing or shaving. these body facials aid in the healing of folliculitis and/or prevent it altogether. These treatments also help to lighten dark areas or spots. Skin Script and Color Up Therapeutics are my facial lines of choice.
Hair removal services remove hair by the root anywhere you do not like it to grow and show. By removing it by the root, the area stays smoother and hair-free longer than shaving. I use 3 different types of “wax” for hair removal. My favourite is Nufree. Nufree is a soy-based product that acts like your traditional soft waxes except it does not adhere to the skin the way they do, resulting in less discomfort and redness. Traditional soft waxes do have their place and I do have a pine base one that I really like and works well. I also have a great hard wax that I will use when an area is really sensitive or curved, like ears.