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Harriet Broughton Hair and Makeup


À propos

Freelance hair stylist/makeup artist At Ericas Marsden salon or any location Services available hair colour, cutting, hair extensions, bridal hair/makeup makeup for any occasion hair for any occasion. To book the salon in marsden days are Friday & alternative Saturdays freelance Wednesday , Thursday & alternative Saturdays. To book wedding hair & makeup or hair & makeup not just for a wedding ! My home studio will be available for bridal trails coming soon Please call if you have trouble booking online 07545387422 I can always accommodate.

Horaires d'ouverture

  • lundi

    • Fermé

  • mardi

    • Fermé

  • mercredi

    • Fermé

  • jeudi

    • Fermé

  • vendredi

    • 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

  • samedi

    • 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • dimanche

    • Fermé

Renseignements supplémentaires

  • Confirmation instantanée

16 Chapel Hill, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5NJ , Bookings on the online booking system  Linthwaite location , Huddersfield ,  Linthwaite, Huddersfield , England
16 Chapel Hill, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5NJ , Bookings on the online booking system  Linthwaite location , Huddersfield ,  Linthwaite, Huddersfield , England

16 Chapel Hill, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5NJ , Bookings on the online booking system Linthwaite location , Huddersfield , Linthwaite, Huddersfield , England Afficher l'itinéraire

À proximité de Linthwaite, Colne Valley, Crosland Hill et de South Crosland

  • Harriet Broughton Hair and Makeup

  • Aucun avis pour le moment

  • 16 Chapel Hill, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5NJ , Bookings on the online booking system Linthwaite location , Huddersfield , Linthwaite, Huddersfield , England Afficher l'itinéraire

Harriet Broughton Hair and Makeup

32 prestations disponibles
