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Payments summary report
Payments summary report
Keep track of transactions made by your business and learn the effective use of the Payments summary report.
Payments summary report explained
Get an overview of your cash flow by seeing where payments are coming from and which payment methods are being used, including incoming payments and refunds processed by your business.
Using the Payments summary report
The Payments summary allows you to analyze transactions made within a selected date range. These are grouped by payment methods which can be filtered by location and the team member who has processed the transactions.
- Certain transactions like deposit redemptions and gift card redemptions are excluded from this report to prevent double counting.
- The Payments summary report does not include deposit collections or refunds, these can be checked in the Liability summary report.
Grouping options
Use the "Group by" drop-down menu to organize your data by:
- Payment method - By default, the data is grouped by the payment methods selected during checkout. These are configured and defined under your Payment type settings.
- Transaction type - The type of the transaction (Sale, Refund).
- Client - The client associated with the sale.
- Location - The location where the sale or appointment took place.
- Team member - The team member who processed the invoice.
- Sale date - The date the invoice was raised (DD MMM YYYY format, e.g., 10 Jan 2024).
- Payment hour - The date and time the payment was made (DD MMM YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM format, e.g., 10 Jan 2024, 10:00 AM).
- Payment day - The date the payment was made (DD MMM YYYY format, e.g., 10 Jan 2024).
- Payment week - The year and week when the payment was made (YYYY W00 format, e.g., 2024 W02).
- Payment month - The month and year when the payment was made (MMM YYYY format, e.g., Jan 2024).
- Payment quarter - The quarter and year when the payment was made (QQ YYYY format, e.g., Q1 2024).
- Payment year - The year when the payment was made (YYYY format, e.g., 2024).
- Payment day of the week - The day of the week when the payment was made (e.g., Mon).
- Payment week of the year - The month of the year when the payment was made (e.g., Jan).
- Payment month of the year - Month of the year when the payment was done (eg. Jan).
- Payment quarter of the year - The quarter of the year when the payment was made (e.g., Q1).
- Hours between sale and payment - The number of hours between the sale date and when the payment was made.
Date range
Select a date range using the calendar drop-down menu to focus on the data you need. The date range is based on when the payment was processed, not when the service was provided.
Filter options
Use the filter drop-down menu to refine the data by:
- Location - The business location where the transaction was generated.
- Team member - The Team member who processed the transaction.
Understanding the Payments summary data fields
Here’s how the payment data helps you understand your revenue and financial trends:
- Number of payments - Counts how many payments were processed.
- **Payment amount - ** Calculates the total revenue from payments.
- Number of refunds - Counts how many refunds were issued, based on the date refunded.
- Refunds - Calculates the total amount refunded.
- Net payments - Calculates the revenue of payments received after refunds are deducted.
- Change amount - Amount returned to the client after the payment.