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Ayrshire Acupuncture


Acupuncture is a complimentary therapy derived from ancient Chinese medicine. It involves using fine needles to stimulate sensory nerves under the skin and muscles, encouraging the body to produce natural healing chemicals in order to aid recovery and enhance rehabilitation. Acupuncture would be contraindicated if you have a blood clotting disorder or currently taking any drugs with an anticoagulant effect. Please also get in touch prior to booking if you have any unstable health conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes or heart conditions to discuss suitability.


  • 即時予約可能

27 Annfield Glen Road, Revive Clinic, Ayr, Scotland
27 Annfield Glen Road, Revive Clinic, Ayr, Scotland

27 Annfield Glen Road, Revive Clinic, Ayr, Scotland 行き方を見る

  • Ayrshire Acupuncture

  • まだ口コミはありません
