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Neurotherapy NZ



Kapiti Neuro Therapy Centre provides practical support and therapies to help manage the symptoms of a wide range of neurological conditions. Neuro diversities often seen at our centre are learning and behavioural difficulties, complex disorders, autism spectrum disorder, social/separation anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and general trauma recovery. Neurotherapy has long been recognised as an effective neuro treatment and involves techniques designed to stimulate brain waves through non-invasive means. I look forward to seeing you at our Waikanae clinic.


  • 月曜日

    • 午前9:00 - 午後4:00

  • 火曜日

    • 午前9:00 - 午後4:00

  • 水曜日

    • 午前9:00 - 午後8:00

  • 木曜日

    • 午前9:00 - 午後4:00

  • 金曜日

    • 午前9:00 - 午後4:00

  • 土曜日

    • 閉店

  • 日曜日

    • 閉店


  • 即時予約可能

8 Ruru Street, Kapiti Coast, Waikanae, Wellington
8 Ruru Street, Kapiti Coast, Waikanae, Wellington

8 Ruru Street, Kapiti Coast, Waikanae, Wellington 行き方を見る

  • Neurotherapy NZ

  • まだ口コミはありません


Neurotherapy NZ

