HomeTherapy CenterMilan


Best Therapy Centers near me in Acquabella, Milan

One Therapy Center in Acquabella, Milan See map

AgeLab the Precision Medicine Club

AgeLab the Precision Medicine Club

Via Uberto Visconti di Modrone 18, Back Garden, Milano, 20122, Lombardia

Concierge Infusion Immune



Full Body Cryo



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Call to book

Therapy Center image for Studio Fisioterapia dottoressa Parmeggiani Simona

Studio Fisioterapia dottoressa Parmeggiani Simona

Via Giulio Uberti, 18, 20129 Milano MI, Italy

+39 335 664 1505+39 335 664 1505Call to book


Therapy Center image for Osteopata Porta Venezia-Cappellano

Osteopata Porta Venezia-Cappellano

Via Gian Battista Tiepolo, 28B, 20129 Milano MI, Italy

+39 377 023 7595+39 377 023 7595Call to book
Therapy Center image for Dr. Carlo Alberto Scivetti _ Osteopata e Fisioterapista _ PhysioEvolution Milano

Dr. Carlo Alberto Scivetti _ Osteopata e Fisioterapista _ PhysioEvolution Milano

Viale Campania, 46, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 333 173 5486+39 333 173 5486Call to book


Dry Needling

Massage image for Riflessologia Plantare | Il Pensiero Alternativo

Riflessologia Plantare | Il Pensiero Alternativo

Via Privata Umberto Masotto, 15, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 3944 9537+39 02 3944 9537Call to book


Deep Tissue Massage

Foot Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Massage image for Dalila Somaschini Massoterapista

Dalila Somaschini Massoterapista

Via Castel Morrone, 30, 20129 Milano MI, Italy

+39 345 536 7012+39 345 536 7012Call to book

Deep Tissue Massage

Foot Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage


Massage image for Dott. Riccardo Comelli - Posturologo

Dott. Riccardo Comelli - Posturologo

Viale Argonne, 32, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 393 749 8109+39 393 749 8109Call to book

Therapeutic Massage

Back Massage

Massage image for STUDIO ALTEMA - Allenamento e Terapia Manuale

STUDIO ALTEMA - Allenamento e Terapia Manuale

Via San Benigno 4, Via Francesco dall'Ongaro, 35, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 347 544 4613+39 347 544 4613Call to book

Sports Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Back Massage

Relaxing Massage

Therapy Center image for Active Nutrition - Dott. Andrea Piscicelli

Active Nutrition - Dott. Andrea Piscicelli

Via Lomellina, 7, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 333 269 6430+39 333 269 6430Call to book
Therapy Center image for Officina del Corpo Milano - Fisioterapia, Osteopatia e Tecarterapia

Officina del Corpo Milano - Fisioterapia, Osteopatia e Tecarterapia

Viale Monza, 128, 20127 Milano MI, Italy

+39 334 771 6221+39 334 771 6221Call to book



Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Dott. Fabio Lodo Agopuntura Milano

Dott. Fabio Lodo Agopuntura Milano

Via Giovanni Pascoli, 37, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 901 0927+39 351 901 0927Call to book


Therapy Center image for Milan Chiropractic Studio Mazzini

Milan Chiropractic Studio Mazzini

Viale S. Michele del Carso, 22, 20144 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 8940 4990+39 02 8940 4990Call to book



Therapy Center image for AlmaPhysio


Via Pietro Panzeri, 6, 20123 Milano MI, Italy

+39 349 662 4133+39 349 662 4133Call to book


Therapy Center image for Centro Fisioterapico Italiano Dr.Guarino _Postura, Riabilitazione , Osteopatia, Tecar & Onde D'urto

Centro Fisioterapico Italiano Dr.Guarino _Postura, Riabilitazione , Osteopatia, Tecar & Onde D'urto

Livello Strada, Via Curtatone, 6, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 3930 8259+39 02 3930 8259Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Studio di Osteopatia e Fisioterapia Cattaneo

Studio di Osteopatia e Fisioterapia Cattaneo

C.so Lodi, 114, 20139 Milano MI, Italy

+39 388 791 7646+39 388 791 7646Call to book



Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Dott. Stefano Diprè - Fisioterapista Milano Centro

Dott. Stefano Diprè - Fisioterapista Milano Centro

Viale Premuda, 46, 20129 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 590 2052+39 351 590 2052Call to book


Therapy Center image for Roncarati Studio - Dott.ssa Ariella Roncarati - Biologo Nutrizionista

Roncarati Studio - Dott.ssa Ariella Roncarati - Biologo Nutrizionista

Piazza Sant'Erasmo, 7, 20121 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 3962 8780+39 02 3962 8780Call to book
Therapy Center image for Dr. Luca Bertelli Fisioterapista

Dr. Luca Bertelli Fisioterapista

Via Bronzetti 9 Studio Àgape, Scala 2, Secondo piano, 20129 Milano MI, Italy

+39 339 405 8239+39 339 405 8239Call to book


Therapy Center image for Osteopata Matteo Zanellati

Osteopata Matteo Zanellati

Via Prospero Finzi, 15, 20126 Milano MI, Italy

+39 392 751 5917+39 392 751 5917Call to book


Therapy Center image for Equipe Logodinamica - Centro di Psicoterapia & Psicosomatica a Milano sin dal 1995: Sedute individuali e di gruppo. Analisi immaginativa, mindfulness, bioenergetica, ipnosi, EMDR, public speaking, balbuzie.

Equipe Logodinamica - Centro di Psicoterapia & Psicosomatica a Milano sin dal 1995: Sedute individuali e di gruppo. Analisi immaginativa, mindfulness, bioenergetica, ipnosi, EMDR, public speaking, balbuzie.

Piazza Cincinnato, 6, 20124 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 6707 5066+39 02 6707 5066Call to book
Therapy Center image for OSTEOPATA SEGRATE Marc Patti


Via Trento, 15, 20054 Segrate MI, Italy

+39 339 452 7478+39 339 452 7478Call to book


Therapy Center image for OSTEOPATA Milano Marc Patti

OSTEOPATA Milano Marc Patti

Via Rovereto, 14, 20127 Milano MI, Italy

+39 339 452 7478+39 339 452 7478Call to book


Therapy Center image for Dinamica Studio

Dinamica Studio

Corso di Porta Vigentina, 18, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 338 167 7704+39 338 167 7704Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for RT Fisioterapia(Tecarterapia & Onde d'urto)

RT Fisioterapia(Tecarterapia & Onde d'urto)

Via Don Bosco, 27, 20139 Milano MI, Italy

+39 389 892 8566+39 389 892 8566Call to book


Therapy Center image for Poliambulatorio Hope Milano | Osteopatia Fisioterapia Neuropsicomotricità Logopedia

Poliambulatorio Hope Milano | Osteopatia Fisioterapia Neuropsicomotricità Logopedia

Via Federico Bellazzi, 3, 20128 Milano MI, Italy

+39 349 215 1564+39 349 215 1564Call to book




Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Osteopata Amedeo Malfetti

Osteopata Amedeo Malfetti

Via Luigi Varanini, 29/D, 20127 Milano MI, Italy

+39 340 275 5033+39 340 275 5033Call to book


Therapy Center image for Osteopata Fisioterapista dott. Ferdinando Cristiano

Osteopata Fisioterapista dott. Ferdinando Cristiano

Studio medico Sant'Andrea, C.so di Porta Nuova, 15, 20121 Milano MI, Italy

+39 338 709 4284+39 338 709 4284Call to book


Therapy Center image for Lorenzo Mazza Osteopata

Lorenzo Mazza Osteopata

Piazzale Salvatore Farina, 15, 20125 Milano MI, Italy

+39 333 701 2332+39 333 701 2332Call to book


Therapy Center image for Studio Osteopatico Corpo&Mente - Dott.ssa Silena Vaccaro

Studio Osteopatico Corpo&Mente - Dott.ssa Silena Vaccaro

C.so Lodi, 68, 20139 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 782 0008+39 351 782 0008Call to book



Therapy Center image for Specialists Shock waves

Specialists Shock waves

Via Curtatone, 6, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 349 739 8921+39 349 739 8921Call to book
Therapy Center image for MBOsteopatia | Osteopata a Milano

MBOsteopatia | Osteopata a Milano

Via Giuseppe Ripamonti, 114, 20141 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 3826 7635+39 02 3826 7635Call to book


Therapy Center image for Studio Motta - Osteopatia e Fisioterapia

Studio Motta - Osteopatia e Fisioterapia

Via Melchiorre Gioia, 75, 20124 Milano MI, Italy

+39 375 536 1427+39 375 536 1427Call to book


Therapy Center image for Centro di fisioterapia Panta Rei Rehab & Sports Milano

Centro di fisioterapia Panta Rei Rehab & Sports Milano

Via Toce, 11, 20159 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 4070 3020+39 02 4070 3020Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Silvio Caruso Osteopata Milano

Silvio Caruso Osteopata Milano

Via Francesco Petrarca, 16, 20123 Milano MI, Italy

+39 348 911 5018+39 348 911 5018Call to book


Therapy Center image for Diego Necchi Osteopata D.O.

Diego Necchi Osteopata D.O.

Via San Vittore, 40, 20123 Milano MI, Italy

393355409166393355409166Call to book


Therapy Center image for Reb Milano - Poliambulatorio

Reb Milano - Poliambulatorio

Via Bruno Cassinari, 20, 20138 Milano MI, Italy

+39 377 092 8207+39 377 092 8207Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Fisioterapia domiciliare - Dott. Tommaso Zollo

Fisioterapia domiciliare - Dott. Tommaso Zollo

Via Cesare Balbo, 2, 20136 Milano MI, Italy

+39 342 073 4095+39 342 073 4095Call to book


Therapy Center image for Isokinetic Milano Centro

Isokinetic Milano Centro

Via Vivaio, 22, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 7600 9310+39 02 7600 9310Call to book

Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Be Osteo - Studio di Osteopatia

Be Osteo - Studio di Osteopatia

Studio Be Osteo, Via Luigi Calamatta, 7, 20137 Milano MI, Italy

+39 338 204 6924+39 338 204 6924Call to book


Therapy Center image for Befysio - Centro di Fisioterapia Dinamica

Befysio - Centro di Fisioterapia Dinamica

Corso Genova, 23, 20123 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 689 4141+39 351 689 4141Call to book


Therapy Center image for Fides Studio Fisioterapico

Fides Studio Fisioterapico

Viale Lombardia, 32, 20131 Milano MI, Italy

+39 347 049 7013+39 347 049 7013Call to book


Therapy Center image for Osteopatia Postura Riabilitazione Milano - Dott./Prof. Guglielmo Damiani

Osteopatia Postura Riabilitazione Milano - Dott./Prof. Guglielmo Damiani

Viale Abruzzi, 84/Cortile Interno, 20131 Milano MI, Italy

+39 389 199 1930+39 389 199 1930Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Studio Invictus

Studio Invictus

Via Giovanni Battista Morgagni, 24, 20129 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 579 9757+39 351 579 9757Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Studio di Tecarterapia Fisioterapia e Massoterapia

Studio di Tecarterapia Fisioterapia e Massoterapia

Piazzale Paolo Gorini, 18, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 738 3456+39 02 738 3456Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Pivetta Riabilitazione Motoria Srl - fisioterapia

Pivetta Riabilitazione Motoria Srl - fisioterapia

Via Carlo Crivelli, 20, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 5831 6196+39 02 5831 6196Call to book


Therapy Center image for Dott. Siro Mazzola - Fisioterapista

Dott. Siro Mazzola - Fisioterapista

Via Giuseppe Ponzio, 78, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 350 538 5047+39 350 538 5047Call to book


Therapy Center image for Studio Massoterapico di Riccardo Rota

Studio Massoterapico di Riccardo Rota

Via Fiuggi, 12, 20159 Milano MI, Italy

+39 338 179 7507+39 338 179 7507Call to book



Therapy Center image for Maggipinto Chiara fisioterapista

Maggipinto Chiara fisioterapista

presso Studio Dr. Maggi, V.le Sabotino, 15, 20135 Milano MI, Italy

+39 328 748 2138+39 328 748 2138Call to book


Therapy Center image for Osteopata Fisioterapista D.ssa Marta Olivieri MT Fisio

Osteopata Fisioterapista D.ssa Marta Olivieri MT Fisio

Via Paolo Diacono, 9, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 333 282 8810+39 333 282 8810Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Federico Zagni fisioterapista osteopata

Federico Zagni fisioterapista osteopata

Viale Lucania, 27, 20139 Milano MI, Italy

+39 331 333 3292+39 331 333 3292Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Fisiosport Milano

Fisiosport Milano

Via Privata Pericle, 5, 20126 Milano MI, Italy

+39 349 146 3533+39 349 146 3533Call to book


Therapy Center image for Osteopata Fisioterapista Dott. Gianluca Panebianco

Osteopata Fisioterapista Dott. Gianluca Panebianco

Viale Regina Margherita, 2, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 328 070 3105+39 328 070 3105Call to book


Therapy Center image for Osteopata Milano Giacomo Mamberto DO M.ROI

Osteopata Milano Giacomo Mamberto DO M.ROI

Via Giovanni Pascoli, 37, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 901 0927+39 351 901 0927Call to book


Therapy Center image for Osteopatia e Fisioterapia - Dott. Luca DeRobertis

Osteopatia e Fisioterapia - Dott. Luca DeRobertis

Via Bramante, 41, 20154 Milano MI, Italy

+39 393 418 6666+39 393 418 6666Call to book


Therapy Center image for Sport & Rehab

Sport & Rehab

Via Gioacchino Murat, 29, 20159 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 780 9668+39 351 780 9668Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Osteopatia Kinesiologia metodo k+

Osteopatia Kinesiologia metodo k+

Via Cenisio, 5, 20154 Milano MI, Italy

+39 333 865 1977+39 333 865 1977Call to book




Therapy Center image for Fisioterapista Milano - Dott. Simone Proietti - Fisioterapia a domicilio

Fisioterapista Milano - Dott. Simone Proietti - Fisioterapia a domicilio

C.so Lodi, 93/2, 20139 Milano MI, Italy

+39 392 521 8777+39 392 521 8777Call to book


Therapy Center image for FISIOTERAPISTA Pietro Marconi


Via Uberto Visconti di Modrone, 3, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 333 903 2879+39 333 903 2879Call to book


Therapy Center image for Osteopata Alessio Di Paolo, Osteopata Silvia Semeraro - Studio Engioia, il Centro del tuo Benessere

Osteopata Alessio Di Paolo, Osteopata Silvia Semeraro - Studio Engioia, il Centro del tuo Benessere

Via Gerolamo Cardano, 8, 20124 Milano MI, Italy

+39 329 146 4545+39 329 146 4545Call to book
Therapy Center image for Excellence Osteopatia di Marcello Bologna

Excellence Osteopatia di Marcello Bologna

Via Paolo Sarpi, 3, 20154 Milano MI, Italy

+39 392 155 5383+39 392 155 5383Call to book


Therapy Center image for Dott. Andrea Pagani Osteopata, specializzato in osteopatia pediatrica

Dott. Andrea Pagani Osteopata, specializzato in osteopatia pediatrica

Via Carnia, 20, 20132 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 384 6281+39 351 384 6281Call to book




Fisiosocial, Via Volvinio, 33, 20141 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 967 0510+39 351 967 0510Call to book


Therapy Center image for Centro Conti

Centro Conti

Corso Como, 2, 20154 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 2900 0119+39 02 2900 0119Call to book


Therapy Center image for Dr Matteo Dellaborra - Fisioterapista

Dr Matteo Dellaborra - Fisioterapista

Viale Enrico Forlanini, 23, 20134 Milano MI, Italy

+39 347 108 5323+39 347 108 5323Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Centro Prana Milano

Centro Prana Milano

Via Vitruvio, 39, 20124 Milano MI, Italy

+39 320 575 9219+39 320 575 9219Call to book
Therapy Center image for Shiatsu Olistico Milano | Nicoletta Grisolia

Shiatsu Olistico Milano | Nicoletta Grisolia

Via Temperanza, 3, 20127 Milano MI, Italy

+39 347 150 2562+39 347 150 2562Call to book
Therapy Center image for Physio & Wellness Lab - Fisioterapia, Chinesiologia e molto altro

Physio & Wellness Lab - Fisioterapia, Chinesiologia e molto altro

Via Privata Oslavia, 18/Interno 7, 20134 Milano MI, Italy

+39 340 910 0922+39 340 910 0922Call to book


Therapy Center image for OsteoEnergy | Osteopatia Milano

OsteoEnergy | Osteopatia Milano

Via Alberto da Giussano, 24, 20121 Milano MI, Italy

+39 366 335 5505+39 366 335 5505Call to book

Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for KinHealth


Viale Enrico Forlanini, 27, 20134 Milano MI, Italy

+39 347 998 0389+39 347 998 0389Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Studio di Osteopatia e Fisioterapia Tagliati

Studio di Osteopatia e Fisioterapia Tagliati

Via Donatello, 21, 20131 Milano MI, Italy

+39 349 242 7375+39 349 242 7375Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Fisioterapia Milano | Fisioterapista Dott. Francesco Curatolo

Fisioterapia Milano | Fisioterapista Dott. Francesco Curatolo

CLINICA ARISTOTELE, V.le Col di Lana, 2, 20136 Milano MI, Italy

+39 346 350 2998+39 346 350 2998Call to book


Therapy Center image for Dott.ssa Anna Liotta

Dott.ssa Anna Liotta

Corso Vercelli, 7, 20144 Milano MI, Italy

+39 393 129 6449+39 393 129 6449Call to book


Therapy Center image for Fisioterapia & Osteopatia | Dott. Mattia Coradazzi

Fisioterapia & Osteopatia | Dott. Mattia Coradazzi

Via Edoardo Bassini, 40, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 339 739 7477+39 339 739 7477Call to book


Therapy Center image for FisioMED - Lambrate

FisioMED - Lambrate

Via Privata Gaetano Sbodio, 32/1, 20134 Milano MI, Italy

+39 328 812 0052+39 328 812 0052Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Neo-Medica srl

Neo-Medica srl

Via Bronzino, 9, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 204 7269+39 02 204 7269Call to book


Therapy Center image for LIBERA DI AMARTI Emanuela Fontana Coach

LIBERA DI AMARTI Emanuela Fontana Coach

Viale Giovanni da Cermenate, 58, 20141 Milano MI, Italy

+39 348 932 9880+39 348 932 9880Call to book
Therapy Center image for Fisioterapista Milano - Simone Capodiferro

Fisioterapista Milano - Simone Capodiferro

Via della Moscova, 46/3, 20121 Milano MI, Italy

+39 340 968 7137+39 340 968 7137Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Mauro Mandagaran D.O-R.O.I. - Osteopata pediatrico e Sport

Mauro Mandagaran D.O-R.O.I. - Osteopata pediatrico e Sport

Via Giuseppe Sacchi, 12, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 338 466 2865+39 338 466 2865Call to book


Therapy Center image for Dott.ssa Giulia Ninni Fisioterapista Osteopata

Dott.ssa Giulia Ninni Fisioterapista Osteopata

Via Nino Oxilia, 20127 Milano MI, Italy

+39 340 804 9291+39 340 804 9291Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Dott. Creperio Fisioterapista Milano

Dott. Creperio Fisioterapista Milano

Poliambulatorio Sacilotto - Dentista Milano, Via Palmanova, 189, 20132 Milano MI, Italy

+39 347 215 7468+39 347 215 7468Call to book


Therapy Center image for OsteoAtlas - MilanoDue

OsteoAtlas - MilanoDue

Centro Direzionale Palazzo Canova, 4° Piano, 20054 Segrate MI, Italy

+39 02 5003 0721+39 02 5003 0721Call to book



Therapy Center image for Osteopata e Fisioterapista Dott.ssa Laura Schiavone

Osteopata e Fisioterapista Dott.ssa Laura Schiavone

Via Privata Sebastiano Serlio, 8/2, 20139 Milano MI, Italy

+39 377 133 5174+39 377 133 5174Call to book


Therapy Center image for De Rosa - Fisioterapia e Riabilitazione

De Rosa - Fisioterapia e Riabilitazione

residenza fontana 802, S.da di Arroccamento, 20054, 20054 Segrate MI, Italy

+39 366 203 6253+39 366 203 6253Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Sara Verderi Studio Olistico

Sara Verderi Studio Olistico

Via Curtatone, 12, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 351 688 7385+39 351 688 7385Call to book
Therapy Center image for Osteopata Riccardo Motta

Osteopata Riccardo Motta

Via Privata Casentino, 2, 20158 Milano MI, Italy

+39 348 037 9876+39 348 037 9876Call to book


Therapy Center image for Dott.ft. Riccardo Castellini FISIOTERAPISTA

Dott.ft. Riccardo Castellini FISIOTERAPISTA

Via Cosimo del Fante, 10, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 339 305 7984+39 339 305 7984Call to book

Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Stefano Ottone - Osteopata

Stefano Ottone - Osteopata

Via Giulio e Corrado Venini, 14/D, 20124 Milano MI, Italy

+39 342 123 8087+39 342 123 8087Call to book



Therapy Center image for Fisioterapia e Osteopatia Cappellini

Fisioterapia e Osteopatia Cappellini

Via Giuseppe Sacchi, 12, 20121 Milano MI, Italy

+39 348 494 0672+39 348 494 0672Call to book


Therapy Center image for Fisioterapista a Milano Cinquini Luca

Fisioterapista a Milano Cinquini Luca

Via Annibale Grasselli, 7, 20137 Milano MI, Italy

+39 393 049 7037+39 393 049 7037Call to book


Therapy Center image for Dott.ssa Marta Maria Magda - Fisiosportlife

Dott.ssa Marta Maria Magda - Fisiosportlife

Studio Fisioterapico Zenith, Presso, Via della Moscova, 60, 20121 Milano MI, Italy

+39 389 265 9816+39 389 265 9816Call to book


Therapy Center image for Spazio Dobì

Spazio Dobì

Via Azzo Carbonera, 15, 20137 Milano MI, Italy

+39 340 229 7348+39 340 229 7348Call to book
Therapy Center image for Dr. Roberto Martini - Fisioterapista

Dr. Roberto Martini - Fisioterapista

V. Andrea Palladio, 26, 20135 Milano MI, Italy

+39 347 887 2931+39 347 887 2931Call to book


Therapy Center image for Centro Fisioterapico Milano

Centro Fisioterapico Milano

Via San Martino, 7, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 9780 2549+39 02 9780 2549Call to book



Therapy Center image for Dott. Kevin Gafforio, Master of Science in Osteopathy

Dott. Kevin Gafforio, Master of Science in Osteopathy

Via Borioli, 22, 20090 Segrate MI, Italy

+39 392 955 4077+39 392 955 4077Call to book


Therapy Center image for Lorenzo Manzoni Osteopata Milano

Lorenzo Manzoni Osteopata Milano

Via Privata Giovanni Ventura, 21, 20124 Milano MI, Italy

+39 327 564 7740+39 327 564 7740Call to book
Therapy Center image for Dott. Cosimo Aruta - Psicologo e Psicoterapeuta Milano

Dott. Cosimo Aruta - Psicologo e Psicoterapeuta Milano

Viale Gorizia, 6, 20144 Milano MI, Italy

+39 347 259 3935+39 347 259 3935Call to book


Therapy Center image for FISIOREHAB


Via Macedonio Melloni, 28, 20129 Milano MI, Italy

+39 379 206 2566+39 379 206 2566Call to book


Therapy Center image for KATIUSCIA MORGESE Studio Discipline Olistiche e Antroposofiche

KATIUSCIA MORGESE Studio Discipline Olistiche e Antroposofiche

Via Giovanni Pacini, 36, 20131 Milano MI, Italy

+39 345 142 4435+39 345 142 4435Call to book
Therapy Center image for Dott. Laura Fagetti Agopuntura | Pneumologia Milano

Dott. Laura Fagetti Agopuntura | Pneumologia Milano

Via Sarzana, 40, 20159 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 8717 6067+39 02 8717 6067Call to book
Therapy Center image for Dott. Simone Curci, Fisioterapia, terapia manuale , osteopatia Bfd, Tecarterapia

Dott. Simone Curci, Fisioterapia, terapia manuale , osteopatia Bfd, Tecarterapia

Via Edoardo Bassini, 40, 20133 Milano MI, Italy

+39 348 225 4072+39 348 225 4072Call to book


Dry Needling

Therapy Center image for Gianluca Italiano

Gianluca Italiano

Via Ariberto, 15, 20123 Milano MI, Italy

+39 02 837 3688+39 02 837 3688Call to book



Dry Needling

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Whether you're looking for a little more life balance or you need help getting back on your feet, there are specialists on Fresha with the skills to help. A professional can work with you to put things into perspective, with a non-judgmental ear and unbiased advice.

Or if it's specific muscle-kneading or physical rehabilitation you need, you can find manual therapies on Fresha as well. So book in now in Acquabella to make a small deposit into your future wellbeing.

It should be pretty clear by now that Fresha has your back when it comes to booking your next treatment in Acquabella, Italy. You won't find anywhere else online that can offer as many hair, health and nails services as we do. We work with 120,000 global businesses so that you can find the right match and book with ease. Our business partners chose our schedule maker because it's best in class. Over 1 billion appointments have been booked with us. No one does it better. And if you need any more persuasion to show you why Fresha is a total game changer, we'd love to hear it. Send us an email at hello@fresha.com any time, or hop over to our help center for extra support.

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