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Hair by Tara at Riots and Rebelles Salon


5 įvertinimas su 6 balsais

Stephaine Kpseudoportretas

Stephaine K

2025-03-04, an nuo 12:15 popiet

5 vertinimas

She is an absolute angel. She works so well with my son who has some sensory sensitives.


Audrey T

2025-03-03, pr nuo 11:36 priešpiet

5 vertinimas

Love Tara! She does an amazing job on my hair. It's always fun seeing her and always love my hair af...


Amy V

2025-03-01, št nuo 11:36 priešpiet

5 vertinimas

Tara is amazing! She always does a great job!!

Andrea Ppseudoportretas

Andrea P

2025-02-26, tr nuo 7:54 popiet

5 vertinimas

Wonderful experience Tara is the best!

Amy Dpseudoportretas

Amy D

2025-02-26, tr nuo 7:32 popiet

5 vertinimas


Judy A

2023-12-13, tr nuo 6:54 popiet

5 vertinimas


You can now book your appointment online with me! Make sure to include name and phone number. Once I see it and accept it you will receive a confirmation text. If you need any special days or times please call or text me 563-571-0271

Papildoma informacija

  • Greitas patvirtinimas

801 Oregon Street, suite 6, Muscatine, Iowa
801 Oregon Street, suite 6, Muscatine, Iowa

801 Oregon Street, suite 6, Muscatine, Iowa Gauti nuorodas

  • Hair by Tara at Riots and Rebelles Salon

  • 5 įvertinimas su 6 balsais

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