Luxe Skin Spa
5 įvertinimas su 5 balsais
Atidaryti iki 6:00 popiet
Paveikslėlis 1 iš 3 paveikslėlių
1 val.
135 USD
1 val.
135 USD
1 val. 30 min.
110 USD
1 val. 30 min.
110 USD
1 val. 30 min.
110 USD
1 val. 30 min.
110 USD
15 min.
50 USD
15 min.
50 USD
5 įvertinimas su 5 balsais
Benita O.
2024-09-02, pr nuo 3:59 popiet
5 vertinimas
Paula keeps better and better. Thank for you helping me to relax. GREAT seeing you. I"ll be in to...
Gayle R.
2024-07-17, tr nuo 8:42 priešpiet
5 vertinimas
Talented and knowledgeable. Very gentle and patient explains each step. Highly recommend.
Michele L.
2024-03-23, št nuo 12:23 popiet
5 vertinimas
Awesome experience, as always!
Benita O.
2023-09-12, an nuo 1:21 popiet
5 vertinimas
Paula is amazing and has hands of gold! My face is so happy! <3
When it comes to your skin, you deserve a trusted advisor. Look no further: at Luxe Skin Spa, I bring more than 20 years of esthetician experience to the table. My mission is to provide you with peels, facials, and a superior line of products that will leave you with lasting anti-aging results. My ability to build meaningful relationships with my clients sets me apart. When you make an appointment with me, you'll receive personalized attention and learn what makes your skin unique to you. Together, we'll revitalize your skincare in ways you never thought were possible.
9:00 priešpiet - 6:00 popiet
12:00 popiet - 9:00 popiet
9:00 priešpiet - 6:00 popiet
12:00 popiet - 9:00 popiet
9:00 priešpiet - 5:00 popiet
9:00 priešpiet - 4:00 popiet
„Fresha“ patikrino verslą
Greitas patvirtinimas
Mokėti programėle
104 New Edition Court, Cary, North Carolina Gauti nuorodas
Luxe Skin Spa
5 įvertinimas su 5 balsais
9:00 priešpiet - 6:00 popiet
12:00 popiet - 9:00 popiet
9:00 priešpiet - 6:00 popiet
12:00 popiet - 9:00 popiet
9:00 priešpiet - 5:00 popiet
9:00 priešpiet - 4:00 popiet
104 New Edition Court, Cary, North Carolina Gauti nuorodas