Mobile IV Drips by Kasa Express Nursing
5 įvertinimas su 15 balsais
Atidaryti iki 7:00 popiet
Paveikslėlis 1 iš 8 paveikslėlių
15 min. • Pop up event B12
35 USD
15 min. • Pop up event B12
35 USD
1 val. 30 min.
iš 150 USD
1 val. 30 min.
iš 150 USD
15 min.
45 USD
15 min.
45 USD
15 min. • Pop up event Taurine
45 USD
15 min. • Pop up event Taurine
45 USD
5 įvertinimas su 15 balsais
Janice B.
2024-11-05, an nuo 8:02 popiet
5 vertinimas
Katrin was amazing! Thank you so much! I actually feel human again after 4 days of stomach bug and...
Joyce S.
2024-10-30, tr nuo 11:01 priešpiet
5 vertinimas
As always Katrin provides Superior nursing Care and is so informative and educational and pleasant w...
Joyce S.
2024-10-29, an nuo 4:13 popiet
5 vertinimas
Super fantastic my husband felt so much better after having these IVs and Katrin is such a professio...
Joyce S.
2024-10-23, tr nuo 8:42 popiet
5 vertinimas
This was a God send experience !! Much gratitude!!!
Brenda A.
2024-08-13, an nuo 2:22 popiet
5 vertinimas
Katrin was so knowledgeable and it made the experience relaxing and interesting. I felt completely t...
Brittany P.
2024-07-24, tr nuo 12:26 popiet
5 vertinimas
Katrin was beyond warm and welcoming. THE BEST Iv hydration experience I have ever had! Highly recom...
Kasa Express Nursing! We're a mobile health provider offering IV hydration, vitamin injections, lymphatic drainage, and plastic surgery recovery care. Our mission is to provide 1-on-1 home care, making a positive impact on as many lives as possible. Let us bring personalized wellness to your doorstep.
3:00 popiet - 7:00 popiet
6:00 popiet - 9:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 7:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 7:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 7:00 popiet
3:00 popiet - 7:00 popiet
„Fresha“ patikrino verslą
Greitas patvirtinimas
Mokėti programėle
1125 State Road, North Westport, Westport, Massachusetts Gauti nuorodas
Mobile IV Drips by Kasa Express Nursing
5 įvertinimas su 15 balsais
3:00 popiet - 7:00 popiet
6:00 popiet - 9:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 7:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 7:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 7:00 popiet
3:00 popiet - 7:00 popiet
1125 State Road, North Westport, Westport, Massachusetts Gauti nuorodas