Physio Academy Chelmsford
5 įvertinimas su 498 balsais
Uždaryta atsidaro 7:00 priešpiet
Paveikslėlis 1 iš 6 paveikslėlių
30 min.
iš 50 GBP
30 min.
iš 50 GBP
1 val.
iš 75 GBP
1 val.
iš 75 GBP
30 min.
iš 45 GBP
30 min.
iš 45 GBP
30 min.
iš 50 GBP
30 min.
iš 50 GBP
5 įvertinimas su 498 balsais
Matt L.
2025-01-23, kt nuo 10:50 priešpiet
5 vertinimas
Very good, very informative
Theo K.
2025-01-22, tr nuo 10:17 popiet
5 vertinimas
Great consultant. Very thorough and spent time explaining everything.
Stuart W.
2025-01-21, an nuo 7:18 popiet
5 vertinimas
Great session! Chris has successfully guided through rehabilitation and things are back to almost no...
Hilary J.
2025-01-20, pr nuo 8:22 popiet
5 vertinimas
I have never been to a physiotherapist before but Bertie put me at ease. He was very dedicated and ...
Trevor R.
2025-01-17, pn nuo 1:50 popiet
5 vertinimas
I have every faith in Stefano in sorting out my latest injury niggle. He sorted one last year very w...
Graham M.
2025-01-13, pr nuo 2:32 popiet
5 vertinimas
Very helpful
Get treated by the health and fitness experts trusted in professional sport. Chartered Physiotherapy Clinic specialising in sports injury, lower back pain and post-op rehab. Reformer Pilates, Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning and Acupuncture also available at the clinic based in Chelmsford, Essex. All staff have current experience within elite sport.
7:00 priešpiet - 6:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 8:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 8:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 7:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 6:00 popiet
9:00 priešpiet - 12:00 popiet
„Fresha“ patikrino verslą
Greitas patvirtinimas
Mokėti programėle
New Writtle Street, Essex County Cricket Ground, Chelmsford, England Gauti nuorodas
Netoliese Moulsham and Central, Moulsham, Springfield Park, Meadgate, Moulsham Lodge ir Trinity
Physio Academy Chelmsford
5 įvertinimas su 498 balsais
7:00 priešpiet - 6:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 8:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 8:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 7:00 popiet
8:00 priešpiet - 6:00 popiet
9:00 priešpiet - 12:00 popiet
New Writtle Street, Essex County Cricket Ground, Chelmsford, England Gauti nuorodas