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Acupuncture at Wonderland Wellbeing


Hi, my name is Jane and I’m a fully qualified acupuncturist based in the north east of England. I'm a member of the Association of Acupuncture Clinicians (AAC), the Association of Community and Multibed Acupuncture Clinics (ACMAC) and the British Acupuncture Federation (BAF). From January 2024, I am delighted to be offering acupuncture at the gorgeous Wonderland Wellbeing. Please visit for more info on how acupuncture can help you.

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Wonderland Wellbeing, UK, 44a Verne Road, North Shields, England
Wonderland Wellbeing, UK, 44a Verne Road, North Shields, England

Wonderland Wellbeing, UK, 44a Verne Road, North Shields, England Como chegar

  • Acupuncture at Wonderland Wellbeing

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  • Wonderland Wellbeing, UK, 44a Verne Road, North Shields, England Como chegar