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Duck and Green



My home studio was purpose-built as a salon. It's separate from the house and gives clients their own private space to relax and give their hair all the attention it needs.  ​Hairdressing is a passion, one in which I take great care. I specialise in cutting, colour and styling as well as curly hair. ​Whether you’re looking for a simple cut or something modern and dramatic, I’m committed to giving your hair the attention it deserves.

Horários de funcionamento

  • segunda-feira

    • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

  • terça-feira

    • Fechado

  • quarta-feira

    • Fechado

  • quinta-feira

    • Fechado

  • sexta-feira

    • Fechado

  • sábado

    • Fechado

  • domingo

    • Fechado

Mais informações

  • Confirmação imediata

Mallards road, Woodford Green, England
Mallards road, Woodford Green, England

Mallards road, Woodford Green, England Como chegar

Perto de Woodford Green, Churchfields, Woodford, Redbridge, Woodford Wells, South Woodford e Monkhams}

  • Duck and Green

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Duck and Green

15 serviços disponíveis

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