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Beauty secrets by Alter Ego



5 ocena z 1 glasom


Sandra L

čet., 25. apr. 2024 ob 12:44 pop.

5 ocena

Excellent. So friendly and welcoming.


All your beauty needs are catered for in our salon. Come in and relax while you enjoy being pampered. Our services include aesthetics, nails, beauty treatments, sunbeds, hairdressing, and hair extensions. We look forward to seeing you all!

Odpiralni časi

  • ponedeljek

    • 10:00 dop. - 6:00 pop.

  • torek

    • 10:00 dop. - 6:00 pop.

  • sreda

    • 10:00 dop. - 6:00 pop.

  • četrtek

    • 10:00 dop. - 6:00 pop.

  • petek

    • 10:00 dop. - 6:00 pop.

  • sobota

    • 10:00 dop. - 6:00 pop.

  • nedelja

    • Zaprto

Dodatne informacije

  • Takojšnja potrditev

72 George Street, Corby, England
72 George Street, Corby, England

72 George Street, Corby, England Napotki

V bližini Central, Lloyds, Corby Village, Rowlett, Lodge Park in Kingswood and Hazel Leys

  • Beauty secrets by Alter Ego

  • 5 ocena z 1 glasom

Rezervirajte zdaj
  • 72 George Street, Corby, England Napotki

Beauty secrets by Alter Ego

na voljo je 94 storitev

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