linear gradientlinear gradient
spotlight external gradient shape

Melanie Burmester



  • Darilne kartice

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I'm Mel, an independent stylist based at One Hope Street, where I focus on creating beautiful shapes and easy styles that work with, and enhance your natural texture. I love creating beachy dimensional balayages, and beautiful glossy tints. Everything I use is Vegan, and focuses on conscious ingredients, which is great for not only you-but also the environment. I believe in creating a relaxing, welcoming space where you can truly recharge-whatever that looks like for you. I want your appointment to be something you look forward to, and for you to leave feeling refreshed-with your dream hair.

Odpiralni časi

  • ponedeljek

    • 9:30 dop. - 3:00 pop.

  • torek

    • 10:00 dop. - 8:00 pop.

  • sreda

    • 9:30 dop. - 6:00 pop.

  • četrtek

    • 9:30 dop. - 5:00 pop.

  • petek

    • Zaprto

  • sobota

    • Zaprto

  • nedelja

    • Zaprto

Dodatne informacije

  • Takojšnja potrditev

  • Plačilo z aplikacijo

1 Hope Street, Brunswick, Melbourne, Victoria
1 Hope Street, Brunswick, Melbourne, Victoria

1 Hope Street, Brunswick, Melbourne, Victoria Napotki

V bližini Brunswick, Brunswick East, Princes Hill in Brunswick West

  • Melanie Burmester

  • Ni še mnenj

Rezervirajte zdaj
  • 1 Hope Street, Brunswick, Melbourne, Victoria Napotki

  • Darilne kartice

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Melanie Burmester

na voljo je 19 storitev

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