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The Empowering Midwife


Birth Plan - Initial appointment

45 min

60 GBP

Birth Plan - Initial appointment

45 min

60 GBP


I am Elizabeth, The Empowering Midwife. I have worked as a midwife for 9 years and am now thrilled to be able to offer hypnobirthing and birth plan writing services. If you live in Hampshire I am happy to deliver these services in person, though you also have the option to access them virtually.

Odpiralni časi

  • ponedeljek

    • Zaprto

  • torek

    • Zaprto

  • sreda

    • 9:00 dop. - 4:00 pop.

  • četrtek

    • 9:00 dop. - 5:15 pop.

    • 7:00 pop. - 10:30 pop.

  • petek

    • 9:00 dop. - 4:00 pop.

    • 7:15 pop. - 10:30 pop.

  • sobota

    • 9:00 dop. - 10:00 pop.

  • nedelja

    • 9:00 dop. - 10:00 pop.

Dodatne informacije

  • Takojšnja potrditev

  • Plačilo z aplikacijo

Winchester, Winchester, England
Winchester, Winchester, England

Winchester, Winchester, England Napotki

  • The Empowering Midwife

  • Ni še mnenj

Rezervirajte zdaj
  • Winchester, Winchester, England Napotki

The Empowering Midwife

na voljo je 5 storitev

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