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Kingham Hill Leisure

Kingham Hill LeisureKingham Hill Leisure
Hill School, Kingham, Chipping Norton OX7 6TH, United Kingdom
Hill School, Kingham, Chipping Norton OX7 6TH, United Kingdom
Hill School, Kingham, Chipping Norton OX7 6TH, United Kingdom

Hill School, Kingham, Chipping Norton OX7 6TH, United Kingdom

Giờ mở cửa

Thứ Hai

7:00 SA - 8:00 CH

Thứ Ba

7:00 SA - 8:00 CH

Thứ Tư

7:00 SA - 8:00 CH

Thứ Năm

7:00 SA - 8:00 CH

Thứ Sáu

7:00 SA - 8:00 CH

Thứ Bảy

7:00 SA - 8:00 CH

Chủ Nhật

7:00 SA - 8:00 CH

Đặt trực tuyến với các địa điểm gần đó

The Pilates Girl
Total Recovery
Peak Performance Clinic
Bee's Journey Wellness
Chloe Goodman - New studio
The Yogi Place
South Moreton Boxing Club
Translucent Dance Studio
Stroud Boxing Club
Karismha Health & Beauty Salon Harrow-Weald
All Walks Academy

Kingham Hill Leisure

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