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MX Health & Wellness

  • Ferrymead business park Ferrymead Terrace, Mount Pleasant, Christchurch 8081, New Zealand

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MX Health & WellnessMX Health & Wellness
Ferrymead business park Ferrymead Terrace, Mount Pleasant, Christchurch 8081, New Zealand
Ferrymead business park Ferrymead Terrace, Mount Pleasant, Christchurch 8081, New Zealand
Ferrymead business park Ferrymead Terrace, Mount Pleasant, Christchurch 8081, New Zealand

Ferrymead business park Ferrymead Terrace, Mount Pleasant, Christchurch 8081, New Zealand

Giờ mở cửa

Thứ Hai

7:00 SA - 6:00 CH

Thứ Ba

7:00 SA - 6:00 CH

Thứ Tư

7:00 SA - 6:00 CH

Thứ Năm

7:00 SA - 6:00 CH

Thứ Sáu

7:00 SA - 6:00 CH

Thứ Bảy

8:00 SA - 1:00 CH

Chủ Nhật

Đã đóng

Đặt trực tuyến với các địa điểm gần đó

Beyond Relief Ltd
In Person Sessions
Elegant Beauty & Brows (Next to Stirling Sports)
Elegant Beauty & Brows (Next to Michael Hill)
Body Well Me - Acupuncture, ACC Provider
Afterglow Beauty
Elegant Eyebrows (Kiosk Opposite Pak' n Save)
My Beauty Clinic
Daniela Vega Massage and Bowen Therapist
Centred Studio Ferrymead
Ascend Coaching Services

MX Health & Wellness

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